It all began after one of the coldest winters in years left many vineyards with significant bud damage but fortunately spared most of our grape vines. The cool weather continued into spring with bud break starting in early May. Summer weather see-sawed from very short bursts of warm humid weather and storms, then followed by more comfortable, dry stretches, over and over. August and September were drier but decidedly cool, especially at night, thus slowing down grape maturity. As of today, we have only harvested a small amount of Pinot Gris, Cayuga and Foch. Next week should see more Pinot Gris and the beginning of our Pinot Noir harvest. So far the grapes continue to look great, so with just a bit more sun and patience we may have another great vintage on tap!
First up this year, Cayuga White
Origin: A hybrid of Seyval Blanc X Schuyler, it was developed at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, New York starting in the 1950’s.
New York Introduction: Released for commercial planting in 1972.
Atwater Introduction: 1982
Acreage: Atwater Estate Vineyard: 1.0 acres / Total New York: 266 acres
Viticultural Characteristics: Vigorous, moderately hardy vine with good disease resistance, Cayuga produces high yields of large, well-filled clusters.
How we use it: Cayuga can be vinified successfully from dry to sweet. This is a wonderful blending wine and we use it primarily in our Stone Bridge White.